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Liv Rondeau

Beadwork/Indigenous Artist

Liv Rondeau is a Kanyen'kehá:ka educator and artist. She is pursuing her Ph.D in Cultural Studies at Queen's University while teaching part-time with the Indigenous Teacher Education program. Liv is dedicated to providing opportunities with the Kingston community, partnering with Queen's University, Faculty of Education, the Kingston School of Art, the Kingston Frontenac Library, the Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest, and other local organizations to support workshops and events rooted in Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing. Liv is dedicated to creating spaces within education and the community that allow Indigenous peoples to connect to language, culture, and each other. In her spare time, she has fostered her love of beadwork and creating into a small Indigenous-owned business, Flint and Maple Beadwork.

Examples of Liv's workshops:

Liv Rondeau
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